Welcome to the second edition of our

Science festival


Come explore and experiment with us for a whole day.
Appointment on April 20, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

on the Odisee and KU Leuven campus in Ghent:
👉 Gebroeders de Smetstraat 1, 9000 Ghent 👈

What exactly is a Science Festival? 🧐

A science festival is, as the name suggests, a festival where all activities are entirely dedicated to science. Think of a day full of experimenting, discovering, learning about science and, above all, a day of making fun memories. Curious? Look back at what it looked like last year.


Both children and their families can participate in workshops during the festival and connect with other ‘scientists-to-be’, within and outside the Rabot neighbourhood. Be inspired by true scientists and meet colleges, universities and companies at the different booths. Discover how you too can become a real scientist!


Experiment along with us

Conduct an experiment -or two- under supervision. Numerous volunteers, or one of the children who participated in our Ekoli workshops, are ready to help you and learn all the tricks of the trade.


Be amazed by our ExperiMentors

Sometimes experiments are just a little too dangerous to set up again and again. During these experiments you will not get to work yourself, but you can watch and learn while our ExperiMentors explain everything for you.


Escape from the escape room

Are you a real brainiac and do you like solving puzzles and riddles? Then our escape room is definitely an activity for you! In an escape room you form a group with other bright minds. We’ll lock you in a room and you have to escape by working together. The key to open the door? Correct answers to all scientific questions or puzzles that we present to you. Are you looking forward to it yet? Then put April 20th in your diary!


You can experience all this and so much more on April 20 in the Rabot neighborhood. You’ll come too right?

Helpers wanted!

Would you like to support our festival? Do you have material that you can donate for the various stands and tests or would you like to roll up your sleeves during setup, breakdown or during the festival? Would you like to support us financially? Or do you have a workshop or experiment that you would like to carry out on April 20? Ideal! Helping hands are always welcome. Contact us quickly via the button below. Thank you!🙏

A science festival in collaboration with…

The organisation of this festival was possible thanks to the cooperation of a plethora of organisations. That is why we want to thank all our partners for their support:


Odisee, KU Leuven, Brede School, vzw Jong, Cera, VIB, Universiteit Gent en Streekfonds Oost Vlaanderen.


And of course a big thank you to our workshop instructors.



But not the least to our volunteers who made themselves available before, during and after the science festival.


Thank you!